Cassius Dio[1] (Greek: Δίων ὁ Κάσσιος) (ca. 155 to 163/164[2]– after 229), known in English as Cassius Dio, Dio Cassius or Cassius Dio Cocceianus[3] was a noted Roman historian and public servant. Dio published a history of Rome in 80 volumes, beginning with the arrival of Aeneas in Italy through the subsequent founding of Rome and then to 229; a period of 983 years. Of the eighty books, written over twenty-two years, many survived into the modern age intact or as fragments, providing modern scholars with a detailed contemporary perspective on Roman history.
Cassius Dio was the son of Cassius Apronianus, a Roman Senator. He was born and raised at Nicaea in Bithynia. Byzantine tradition holds that Cassius Dio’s mother was the daughter or sister of Greek historian, orator, and philosopher Dio Chrysostom; this relationship has been disputed. His praenomen is usually held to have been Lucius, but a Macedonian inscription published in 1970 shows it as Cl., presumably Claudius.[4] He was a Roman of Greek heritage and wrote in Greek. Dio always maintained a love for his Greek hometown of Nicaea, calling it 'his home', as opposed to his description of his villa in Italy ('my residence in Italy').
Cassius Dio passed the greater part of his life in public service. He was a senator under Commodus and governor of Smyrna after the death of Septimius Severus, and afterwards suffect consul around 205. He was also proconsul in Africa and Pannonia. Alexander Severus held him in the highest esteem and made him his consul again, even though his caustic nature irritated the Praetorian Guards, who demanded his life. Following his second consulship, being advanced in years, he returned to his native country, where he died.
Roman History:
Dio published a Roman History, in eighty books, after twenty-two years of research and labour. It covers Roman history for a period of 983 years, beginning with the arrival of Aeneas in Italy, and the subsequent founding of Rome, and covers events up to 229AD. Down to the time of Julius Caesar, Cassius Dio gives only a summary of events; after that period, his accounts become more detailed; and from the time of Commodus, he is very circumspect in relating what passed under his own eyes.
Dio published a Roman History, in eighty books, after twenty-two years of research and labour. It covers Roman history for a period of 983 years, beginning with the arrival of Aeneas in Italy, and the subsequent founding of Rome, and covers events up to 229AD. Down to the time of Julius Caesar, Cassius Dio gives only a summary of events; after that period, his accounts become more detailed; and from the time of Commodus, he is very circumspect in relating what passed under his own eyes.
Today, fragments remain of the first 36 books, including considerable portions of both the 35th book (on the war of Lucullus against Mithridates VI of Pontus) and the 36th (on the war with the pirates and the expedition of Pompey against the king of Pontus). The books that follow, to the 54th inclusive, are nearly all complete: they cover the period from 65 BC to 12 BC, or from the eastern campaign of Pompey and the death of Mithridates to the death of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa. The 55th book has a considerable gap in it. The 56th to the 60th, inclusive, which cover the period from 9 to 54, are complete, and contain the events from the defeat of Varus in Germany to the death of Claudius. Of the next 20 books in the series, there remains only fragments and the meager abridgement of John Xiphilinus, a monk of the XI century. The 80th or last book covers the period from 222 to 229 (the reign of Alexander Severus). The abridgment of Xiphilinus, as now extant, commences with the 35th book and continues to the end of the 80th book. It is a very indifferent performance, and was made by order of the emperor Michael VII Parapinaces.
The fragments of the first 36 books, as now collected, are of four kinds:
Fragmenta Valesiana, such as were dispersed throughout various writers, scholiasts, grammarians, and lexicographers, and were collected by Henri Valois.
Fragmenta Peiresciana, comprising large extracts, found in the section entitled "Of Virtues and Vices", in the great collection or portative library compiled by order of Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. The manuscript of this belonged to Peiresc.
The fragments of the first 34 books, preserved in the second section of the same work of Constantine's, entitled “Of Embassies.” These are known under the name of
Fragmenta Ursiniana, because the manuscript containing them was found in Sicily by Fulvio Orsini.
Excerpta Vaticana, by Mai, which contain fragments of books 1 to 35, and 61 to 80. To these are added the fragments of an unknown continuator of Dio, which go down to the time of Constantine. Other fragments from Dio belonging chiefly to the first 34 books were found by Mai in two Vatican MSS., which contain a collection made by Maximus Planudes. The annals of Joannes Zonaras also contain numerous extracts from Dio.
Literary style:
Dio attempted to emulate Thucydides in his writing style, but came up short both in arrangement and the presentation of the materials and in the soundness of his viewpoint and accuracy of his reasoning. His style is generally clear, where there appears to be no corruption of the text, although his writing is full of Latinisms. His diligence is unquestionable, and due to his personal circumstances he had the opportunity to either be a first-person observer of or have direct contact with the key figures involved in many of the significant events of the Empire during his own lifetime.
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